Wednesday 7 August 2019

Sharing " 12 days" by Eric Behanzin

One of the things I like the most about the holidays, beyond sharing more time with those I love, is allowing myself more time to read.

One of the books I read (I was one of the lucky few to get a free copy at the Global Woman summit in London last month) is “12 days” by Eric Behanzin.
Eric overcame a difficult childhood, became a singer, musician and teacher before becoming a very successful business coach and launching the “Explosive business methodology.

In this book he retires to the countryside for 12 days to share what he has learnt are the 12 simple and powerful steps to becoming a rich, happy and proud entrepreneur. He then decided to complicate things a bit for himself by separating the book in left hand pages for the methodology, and right-hand pages to stream of consciousness on the daily process of writing this book. And because Eric is Eric, he decided during the 12 days to fast, not only no food, but also NO DRINK.

Seen the 12 steps (written one a day) also include a video, I imagined the end would be the grisly viewing of a dying man… but no…

Each step is explained, summarized and accompanied by exercises to put into practice. So, what did I learn?

- The importance of values
- how to discover and use your passions, ultra-skills and personal experience to define your mission
- Detailed steps to defining your mission
- Finding your ultimate gift
- How to sell easily and quickly
- The prerequisites of elegant selling
- Sound financial advice
- Daily rituals to focus on your goal
- Decision making and the importance of taking a rest
- Listing your priorities for a happy life
- Find your cause and CONTRIBUTE

This may seem quite straight forward to some, but his approach is different and I found it fascinating to follow his thoughts on the right hand side and see him go through various stages of enthusiasm, tiredness, determination and exhilaration as he survived 12 days without food or drink!! He IS a regular dry-faster and also has a theory on that.

What impressed me the most, beyond the soundness of his methodology, is his profound belief in the significance of what he has found out in the process and his burning desire to share it with us for the good of all.
130 pages of inspiration.

“ Anything is possible to those who believe”, Eric Behanzin.  

Friday 5 July 2019

True HAPPINESS through authentic & efficient CONNECTION & COMMUNICATION

Happiness….an elusive state we all aspire for but often find hard to determine when asked to define. What is happiness? And if we don’t know what it means to us then how can we go about finding it?

I will not be so arrogant as to presume having found the recipe but, after years of working in various capacities in different industries and functions over the world , after having had the chance to meet so many very diverse people, coping with countless issues; I have come to a personal conclusion:

I believe that true happiness is found in authentic, efficient connection and communication with oneself, and with others.

So what do I actually mean here?

Authentic and efficient connection and communication with ourselves, to start with:

By this I mean, truly connecting with ourselves. Not what we have been told about ourselves or what we wish we were, or what various experiences have brought us to think we are, but who we truly are, our authentic self. WHO am I? 
Once we have a clearer idea on that, we can look at WHAT we need in life to feel fulfilled, WHERE are we heading, what do we want our life to have meant and WHAT do we need to do, to change, to make sure we keep on path. And we need to keep that connection and communication with our true self open, checking in from time to time and using it in an efficient way to keep moving forward.

Authentic and efficient connection and communication with others:

We are social animals and live in society through which we get meaning and purpose. For true happiness, we also need to connect and communicate authentically and efficiently with others. By this I mean saying what we mean, not reacting in anger for example. Connecting and respecting who the other is, especially their differences which make us so rich. Connecting with what we share, our humanity and communicating openly and in an efficient way so our message gets across. As the saying goes” Your communication is only as good as the response you get”, so if you are not getting through, try again in a different way.

My whole life I have been driven by a desire to be of service to others, to empower as I believe we all deserve to be happy, and furthermore, we all have it in us to be happy, if we listen properly.

I founded KPC&C to help others improve their connection and communication with themselves and others, because I believe we all deserve to be truly happy.

I coach my clients to gain better connection and communication with themselves through personal coaching.

And I have a consultancy arm for those searching to improve their connection and communication with others where I edit, translate and write. Be it books, blogs, web content, newsletters and on request I have started an EXPRESS EDIT service for the smaller postings, invitations, announcements which also need to be just right. I also present and coach presenting skills and tutor French and English.

How authentic and efficient is your connection and communication?