Friday 17 February 2017

Passion and Purpose, from civil servant to NLP trainer, coach and author: Joan's Story

February 13th 2017 saw an enthusiastic group of civil servants, NLP practitioners , managers, friends and interested people gather at the beautiful offices of CAOP on the Lange Voorhout, to witness the launch of Joan Hoexum’s book ’”Tomorrow is Today”.

For 20 years a civil servant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Joan decided in 2015 to change course, inspired by the huge potential of NLP she discovered whilst looking for answers in her life. Now speaker, NLP trainer and coach she has written a book creating a link between the changing role of civil servants and how NLP can help them deal with the many challenges they face.

Bert Jansen spoke first, providing with his 30 years experience, the background of the many changes undergone and underway at Foreign Affairs as the modernisation of Diplomacy is pursued, with the resulting insecurities it provokes.

Sacha Loeven, civil servant and NLP practitioner then took the floor to convey what she saw as some of the main advantages of NLP:
-        That by accepting we all use a different model of the world, it is easier to accept differences
-        That everyone has a positive intention and that looking for it diffuses tension
-        That first rapport is needed before communication can be efficient
-        For better delivery of our message, we need to use the same language as the person we are talking to
-        We need to be aware of limiting beliefs, and question their relevance
-        The power of asking the right questions

Finally it was time for Joan to share her story, her journey from civil servant to NLP expert. As she said, changes are constant and unavoidable. A few years ago she was feeling stuck and frustrated and forced to ask herself some fundamental questions about what she wanted out of life, and what she needed to change. This brought her to NLP. “I understood I had choices” she said, “and NLP offers instruments for choice”. She studied passionately, working at times directly with one of the founders of NLP, Richard Bandler. Through NLP she  learnt to listen better, a vital key for personal development and discovered more efficiency, hence the book.
She connected with local and international NLP practitioners and hopes that sharing their thoughts and her story, will inspire others.
When asked about the meaning of the title she leaves it up to us to interpret as we see best...Be prepared for tomorrow… Do not postpone to tomorrow what you can accomplish today…
Joan then handed over the first sample of her book to Jan Willem Kok, Director of POSG who had accompanied her transition from Foreign Affairs.
Her book is accessible, timeless and inspiring to all.

You can find it at

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